The Benefits Of Choosing A Montessori Daycare

9 February 2021
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


Choosing a daycare can be a great option for you as a parent. It's difficult to send your child somewhere else for a few hours a day and entrust their care to other adults. But if you choose the right daycare, you'll feel more confident as you make this change. For many parents, that "right" daycare might end up being one that uses the Montessori method. This is a method that really places child-centered learning at the forefront and treats teachers more like guides than authorities. Here are some of the benefits of choosing a Montessori child care center.

Your child will get to cooperate and interact with others.

For most kids, daycare is the first time they are in contact with other kids their own age for extended periods. It's important that kids learn to socialize and interact with others, and Montessori daycares really allow for this. They incorporate a lot of cooperative and team-based activities into the day. The teacher observes and makes sure everyone is safe, but they do not get overly involved; they let kids work out mild conflicts on their own. This lets your child learn social skills in a hands-on, active way.

Your child will get to identify their key interests and passions.

Montessori daycares let kids explore. They incorporate all sorts of activities, from music to sports. This exposure to different activities gives your child a chance to discover and develop their passions early on. They may find that they really love making music, for instance, and that could be something they carry on with through the rest of their life.

Your child will get lots of physical activity.

While kids at a Montessori daycare may spend a little time sitting still and listening to stories, most of their time will be spent moving around and playing. This is better for their health, and it is also better for them mentally. They may not be running around a soccer field all day, but even walking around the room and playing with various toys helps keep their muscles active.

Your child will be honored as an individual.

Instead of being expected to comply with a certain standard, kids at Montessori daycares are honored as individuals. They are encouraged to embrace their individuality, whether that individuality is being silly and loud, or quiet and subdued. One underlying belief of the Montessori method is that each kid is unique and that uniqueness should not be extinguished. This will help build your child's self-confidence as they grow up.

If you come across a daycare or childcare center that uses the Montessori method, definitely pay it some consideration. This is a great environment for children to begin their learning process in.